Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dirt Cheap KIP films for DC's Art Sale fodder

I spoke with Tyler about the possibility of Design Club receiving super discounted vellum KIP printouts for the Art Sale screen-printed wrapping paper project. (For the positive films to burn screens from) And he said " hell's yeah!"
But not knowing exactly how many we'll need in advance, he wasn't able to commit to doing them for free. But keep your fingers crossed on that...

This is how he'd like it to all go down:
~ On the 3 Sundays you'll be printing, tell the SB what your KIP printouts are for and you won't be charged for them. Tyler will alert the SB ahead of time that we'll be swarming them with KIP vellum requests.
~ DC needs to keep track of how many KIP printouts we output, then we need get the final tally to Tyler. (Perhaps Sami, Elliot, and Max can oversee this)
~ Tyler will then determine the final discount, and "invoice" DC a total.

If anyone has questions/concerns about this process, let's discuss them further at the next meeting.

Thanks Tyler (and MCAD)!


get your foust on said...

sweet deal!

tyler said...

good thing i saw this as i'd forgotten about my conversation with kelly. i will now make a note of this. print away.

oh, and "hells yeah."

jenny. said...