Saturday, March 1, 2008

Inter-Collegiate Design Social

Attend the first ever Inter-Collegiate Design Social!

The Art Institutes International Minnesota AIGA Student Group is hosting an inter-collegiate design social. The event will be held at The Art Institutes International Minnesota, located at 15 South 9th Street in downtown Minneapolis (55402)
on Sunday, March 2nd from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.

Attendance is open to all design students who are members of AIGA. Please bring your design portfolio or personal artwork for inter-school critiques. Tours of the Ai campus will be offered, and refreshments will be served.

Here is a schedule of the event:
2:00 - Students Arrive and are escourted to room 343.
2:15 - Introductions
2:30 - Tours (school is small, so tours won't take too long)
3:00 - 4:00pm - Critiques and Q&A session


1 comment: said...

cool... so nice blog! congratulations from barcelona!