>>>>>THIS FRIDAY, MARCH 5th<<<<<
//////12pm EMERITUS ROOM\\\\\\
Hey all you hungry kick ass designers. The series of skypes and lectures is going to kick off this FRIDAY MARCH 5th in the EMERITUS ROOM with ELLIOTT EARLS. It should be an interesting session. I hope you have taken some time to endulge yourselves with Elliott's work.
Elliott will start us off at 12pm with a short presentation. After that will be time for some question answer time. There are a couple of questions that have been planned to kick off the Q and A. And after that its up to you to ask Elliott any questions or comments you might have for him. And please do, dont feel nervous. All of us will figure out how things go with group skype sessions the more we do it.
SO.....Come and join your fellow students and faculty members for this great experience.